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Improve Your Gynecologic Health with the MonaLisa Touch™


When women go through menopause, symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats are openly laughed about. However, the hidden symptoms including vaginal dryness, itching, and painful intercourse, can often be much worse and have a profound impact on women’s daily lives and intimate relationships. Now, relief from your symptoms is possible with minimally invasive MonaLisa Touch laser treatments!

What is the MonaLisa Touch?

The MonaLisa Touch is a specially designed C02 fractional laser that relieves some of the most common side effects of estrogen deficiency. The MonaLisa Touch uses technology similar to that of aesthetic lasers, but is intended to encourage new collagen production in the vaginal walls. As the cells are revitalized, your symptoms will improve as natural gynecologic functions are restored. If vaginal dryness, itching, painful sexual intercourse or urination are affecting your life, the MonaLisa Touch can help alleviate your symptoms without causing pain or inconvenient side effects.

What to Expect During MonaLisa Touch Treatments

MonaLisa Touch laser vaginal revitalization is an outpatient procedure that can be performed in the comfort of our office. The laser application itself lasts less than five minutes! Three treatments spaced about six weeks apart are normally recommended to achieve the best results, but many patients will begin to notice improvement following the first session. MonaLisa Touch treatments are not considered painful, but an anesthetic cream can be applied before treatment to reduce discomfort. Patients should avoid sexual activity for a few days following the procedure, but can otherwise resume their normal routines without experiencing any downtime.

Contact Conejo Women’s Medical Center today to learn more about how the MonaLisa Touch can help improve your gynecologic health!

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